Homeowners Insurance Claims Analysis
We can provide qualified and experienced attorneys to you upon notice
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Property and Hurricane Damage Claims
We can provide qualified and experienced attorneys to you upon notice
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Dog Bites
What a Dog Bite Attorney Can Do for You?
Dogs are man’s best friend, but sometimes a dog can bite someone without warning. Children are especially at risk for being bitten by dogs and many times, a dog bite results in serious personal injury. The dog may have an aggressive disposition, be improperly trained, irritated, or even just playing around. You never know when a dog may bite.
A dog bite can have serious long-term effects. People who have been bitten by dogs are often left with scars on their face and body, as well as emotional and psychological scars. Some of the most frequent dog bite-related injuries include cuts, lacerations, punctures, broken bones, and crushed eye sockets. These injuries can lead to permanent disfigurement and pain.
If you have been injured due to a dog bite or the bite of another domesticated animal, you should contact our experienced dog bite attorneys.
The Florida Statutes regarding dog bites reads as follows:
767.04 Dog owner’s liability for damages to persons bitten.—The owner of any dog that bites any person while such person is on or in a public place, or lawfully on or in a private place, including the property of the owner of the dog, is liable for damages suffered by persons bitten, regardless of the former viciousness of the dog or the owners’ knowledge of such viciousness. However, any negligence on the part of the person bitten that is a proximate cause of the biting incident reduces the liability of the owner of the dog by the percentage that the bitten person’s negligence contributed to the biting incident. A person is lawfully upon private property of such owner within the meaning of this act when the person is on such property in the performance of any duty imposed upon him or her by the laws of this state or by the laws or postal regulations of the United States, or when the person is on such property upon invitation, expressed or implied, of the owner. However, the owner is not liable, except as to a person under the age of 6, or unless the damages are proximately caused by a negligent act or omission of the owner, if at the time of any such injury the owner had displayed in a prominent place on his or her premises a sign easily readable including the words “Bad Dog.” The remedy provided by this section is in addition to and cumulative with any other remedy provided by statute or common law.
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Call Us at 561-305-8257 for a FREE case evaluation.
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Cruise Ship Injuries
Cruise ships often mean relaxation, vacation, and fun. However, the ships are enormous and danger can be lurking in every corner. Injuries on a cruise ship can result from a slip and fall, food poisoning, pool or activity related trauma, and many other mishaps. Cruise ship injuries can even lead to wrongful death in cases such as falling overboard or drowning in the swimming pool. When you or a loved one is injured in any cruise ship accident, it is important that you retain the services of a cruise ship accident attorney.
Our experienced cruise ship accident attorneys understand the set of very particular laws that apply to cruise ships and how to pursue a claim against the cruise companies. There are international considerations that must be taken into account and for this reason, you should be sure to seek counsel from a cruise ship attorney in order to be compensated for your injuries and losses.
Recently, there have been “outbreaks” on cruise ships where a large portion of the passengers and crew become ill. This can be caused by infectious disease, food poisoning, or a loss of power to the ship leading to inadequate sanitation. Passengers on a ship with an outbreak should be compensated for their traumatic experience, especially if they were among the sick. The cruise companies will try to compensate these passengers by giving them vouchers, free cruises, and a small cash settlement in exchange for a waiver of liability. If you are one of these unlucky passengers, you should not accept their offer. Instead, you should retain a cruise ship accident lawyer immediately. Our experienced cruise ship accident lawyers will hold the cruise company accountable for your illness and help you get substantial compensation.
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Call Us at 561-305-8257 for a FREE case evaluation.
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Boating Accidents
We all love a day at sea, or a trip up the intracoastal waterway. While most of the time boating can be enjoyable, it can get ruined in a flash by a negligent boater. If you have been hurt as a result of a boating accident, whether as a passenger or on another boat, it is important that you retain an experienced personal injury lawyer. Our Attorneys are familiar with the unique laws that control the waterways in our area and will fight hard to get you the justice you deserve for your injuries.
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Call Us at 561-305-8257 for a FREE case evaluation.
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Airplane Accidents
Although air travel is common, it is inherently dangerous to fly in a plane. Just think about it: a metal tube flying through the sky at speeds in excess of 600mph. We hear about plane crashes all the time on the news and unfortunately, the chances of survival are minimal. Statistically speaking, aviation accidents are much less frequent than car accidents, but when they do happen they can have disastrous results.
Not all plane crashes end in death. In rare occasions, some passengers actually survive. These survivors will usually have severe personal injuries. If you were injured in an aviation accident, or if your family member was killed as a result of an airplane crash, you should not sign any waiver presented to you by the airline. Instead, be sure to retain an aviation accident attorney so that you may receive the maximum compensation for your injury or death of a loved one.
Aviation accidents are very complex and will involve an FAA investigation to determine the cause of the plane crash. There are many things that can lead to the failure of an airplane. When this tragedy occurs, you need to retain an airplane accident attorney that can help you recover for your injuries or the loss of a loved one. Our firm’s experienced airplane accident attorneys will fight hard for you.
Having an aviation accident lawyer on your side means having someone who is there to protect your rights against the airline and to make sure you are receive the appropriate financial compensation. Retaining Palm Beach County airplane accident attorney Ian Bressler will allow you to pursue your case to the fullest extent.
Airplane crashes are not the only aviation accidents that occur. Common personal injury lawsuits in which aviation accident lawyer Ian Bressler can help you include injury due to objects falling from the overhead bins, a slip and fall in the aisle, or even when an airplane or parts from an airplane land on you or a loved one when you are on the ground.
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